Quite by coincidence, I discovered yesterday that I wrote a post on the same day ten years ago expressing my frustration at being able only to tinker with the technology underlying my website, rather than actually understanding it. Why coincidence? Because I am once again in the throes of tinkering with my website while not fully understanding it. And something I wrote back then is a fine prompt to get on and write my submission to this month's IndieWeb Carnival.

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Reply All used to be required listening if you were interested in the internet, even more so after it became Gimlet Media’s first flagship podcast. Back then it was essential that PJ and Alex be on top of the socials, especially so they could play Yes, Yes, No with their somewhat clueless boss, to the delight of this somewhat clueless listener. But today? Why on earth would PJ Vogt be hanging around on the shitesite while simultaneously feeling bad about hanging around on the shitesite?

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Bashing George Monbiot for his absurd anti-agricultural stance is a mug’s game in the hands of almost anyone other than Chris Smaje.1 So I skipped quickly past that bit in an otherwise worthwhile piece on the past history and current state of hedges in Britain. There is, apparently, an upsurge i...

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March was ... March. Changeable, erratic, unpredictable. Good things on the bicycle, taking the train somewhere and cycling to a different train station. Movement among the plants on the terrace. Good fun and some entertaining podcasts made.

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⏱️ 02:37   ⇄44.1km   ⌀16.8km/h   ↗170m   ↘180m

Friday is often bicycle day, and it was yesterday. Originally I thought of doing another train-based ride, but I changed my mind and stayed in the city. Well, sort of.

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