tl,dr; As soon as you notice, turn Airplane mode on in a device and recapture the note there.
Our lemon tree has had quite a few lemons hanging on it since before Christmas and they currently look like very sad decorations. It would be too easy to say make lemonade, but it’s cold outside and drizzly. and in any case the lemon tree won’t wait much longer. Time to do something about that.
Wow, February went whizzing by. Managed to do something slightly clever with the subscription emails for Eat This Newsletter, and it paid off, at least this once. Mastodon is still fun and may be proving useful. Hard to say, until I polish up my thing for looking at logs.
Digital relationships? That's the topic for February's Indieweb Carnival, and for a long time -- 28 days, in fact -- I did not think I had much to say on the topic. Sure, I've made a couple of real-life friends from people I originally met online. But no more than that. And then it occurred to me that I have been fretting lately about ignoring my most important digital relationship. I've been thinking, the other party ought to change while knowing, at the same time, that the only one who can change is me.
I'm talking, of course, about this website.
Yesterday’s graph from USDA is really interesting. It shows that the February 2022 recall of formula milk in the US, which compounded the supply chain difficulties of Covid, was associated with a striking increase in the number of infants fully and partially breastfed (and a drop in the number f...