I’ve been spending a little time recently playing with and trying to organize my approach to putting my photos on the web. (Driven purely by ego.) I’ve now got two ways of doing this, three if you count the fact that I sometimes post one here. One is a photoblog, powered by PixelPost. The idea there is simply to upload one picture a day. Sometimes the week is themed, as it was last week and will be next. Other times it isn’t, just daily pictures. Not necessarily taken that day, of course. Next week will be a few from my earlier trip to Montpellier, with its wonderful, joky, post-modern area called Antigone. The other is Flickr, which, like del.icio.us, has an amazing White Rabbit talent for beckoning one down unexplored tunnels and into new adventures. I’m not sure what, if anything, will distinguish the two. I could simply link from here to Flickr (as I have and will) rather than use a photoblog, but I have a feeling that somehow they will stay fuzzily separate in my mind.
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