At last, after what seems like forever chained to work for money (as opposed to work for fun) I have been able to get back to fiddling with my website. Top priority today was to display a page showing all the posts with a specific tag.

The tags were already being displayed at the bottom of each posts, but while some worked perfectly, others gave onto a non-existent page. The problem was clearly the way that my template was constructing the link to the collection of posts and once I sat down with paper and pencil and scrawled a table of what worked and what didn't, it became obvious that all it needed was a change in one line of code.

<a class="p-category" href="{{ blog.url|rtrim('/') }}/tag{{ config.system.param_sep }}{{ tag }}">{{ tag }}</a>

had to become

<a class="p-category" href="{{ base_url|rtrim('/') }}/{{ page.header.taxonomy.category.0 }}/tag{{ config.system.param_sep }}{{ tag }}">{{ tag }}</a>

The difference is subtle. blog.url includes the portion after base_url and that was messing things up. By constructing the collection's url myself, using the category of the post, it no longer pointed to a non-existent page. Mostly.

In fact, errors did remain, but fewer than before. They turned out to be caused by me being inconsistent about the order of the values of category when there is more than one. I edited those and everything works as I want.

For now ...

As a bonus, and for no extra work, I do believe that the tag pages are properly formed h-feeds in their own right, which is nice.

Filed under | Geeky |




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