
Having tinkered over the weekend to update the engine that drives this site, I've discovered that all is not well under the hood. The Comments section rattles and there's a definite grinding noise from the Search Results and Archive page. One solution is to abandon my personal fabulous design until I've fixed the problems. But that would be so dull. Alas, I'm unlikely to have time to fix things for a couple of weeks.

Later ... OK, I have decided. Dull is better than broken. I'll try and get to this over the next couple of weeks, but I'm not promising. and what's that we hear? Content is King, you say? Form follows function? OK, you win. for now.

24 March 2018: Some things never change. Gotta say one thing for the big silos, they don't bother you with even a hint of caring what they look like.

Filed under | Geeky |




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