At last, I am once again extracting summary details and artwork for the podcast episodes I have listened to, and I am doing it with Python rather than PHP.

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Struggling still to understand geographical information and learn how to do things with it, I had high hopes for this tutorial, even though it dates from 2017. Reading through it a couple of times, before trying to do anything, it seemed to contain the sort of information I wanted to be able to use. So I carved out a few hours and started to work through it. There were plenty of errors to begin with of a sort I have become familiar with, that various bits and pieces could not be found. One proved absolutely insoluble, and I reasoned that perhaps I was using too modern a version of Python. So I went back to square one and installed Python 3.6.

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Back to working for money a bit this month, although on a slightly reduced scale. Back to editing podcasts again too, which is greatly satisfying. Back to my regular HIIT schedule. And, completing the Yankee, back to baking bread in bulk.

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Something untoward has happened to the PHP script I built to retrieve my podcast listening history from Overcast. It is failing to retrieve both the summary and the image from Overcast. The error I am seeing is file_get_contents(): Failed to enable crypto which seems to suggest that the problem...

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It was fun today remembering my visit to China and a great time visiting the hutongs on a bicycle tour. Checking the links, however, gave me a very odd surprise. The old URL of Chinese Culture Club, which organised the tour, is now being squatted. Nothing particularly odd in that. But it is being...

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