The Internet Archive is a wonderful resource, one that I am happy to support whenever I can, precisely because it allows me to find copies of things that have vanished from the actual internet. To make life even easier, there is an official extension from The Internet Archive that makes saving and f...
Another relaxing month, with an arduous cat-sitting gig in Umbria enjoying a friend's beautiful house in the country. It played havoc with time-keeping and podcast-listening, but so what.
I was a little surprised when a link to a recent (December 2020), eminently citable blog post led me straight to the Wayback Machine. I did a little searching, and easily found the current version. What seems to have happened is that the author changed their publishing system (I can see the chan...
Today is a bit of a geeky anniversary for me, which I would never had recognised had I not started trying to bring in old posts written on this day. Turns out that on 23 August 2004 I wrote my first piece using the WordPress CMS, while on 23 August 2006 I first published a piece of audio as a podc...
In my as yet completely unsuccessful attempt to revive an internet meme, I was somewhat sketchy on the idea of planets, mostly because they were not something I ever used. I suggested that they were automatic accretions, without detailed curation. I was wrong, as Fluffy pointed out when a group of...