A good quarter for trains and bicycles, and taking the train to ride the bicycle.

Bicycle rides

Q2 — 18 rides totalling 467 km; 25.9 km per ride. More than once a week, on average, which is nice. Included the glorious 95 km of Treviso–Venice and the perverse 55 km lunacy of Rome-Bracciano.


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Moaning about how hard it is to have a laptop and desktop machine perfectly in sync even for things I don't use often, one of my cyber-chums said "Why don't you use git?". A forehead slapping moment. I already use git to share the vital bits of my blog publisher. Of course I could do the same for some of the Python apps I use from time to time. But it had to wait until I got back to the desktop machine.

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The saga of synchronised futzing continues with a couple of days of hair-pulling finally resolved to my satisfaction. This time it was Karabiner-Elements, which I use almost exclusively to enable the hyper-key (⌘⌥⇧^). Just not working on the laptop after upgrading here to Sonoma. I vaguely remembere...

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Agent Smart holding a shoe to his ear This started a few days ago when JamesG announced the redesign of his website. The design and the thinking behind it are great. There was just one thing about it that grated with me: a “straight” quote, right there in the title.1

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Alas, I failed to properly test my spiffy new synchronised puttering set-up, and it did not Just Work™. The part involving MAMP did work, but not the puttering, because the URLs for the site are hard-coded into the SQL database. Having transferred to a new local URL, nothing other than the bare HT...

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