I was away much of last week, using my laptop rather than my desktop machine. I have a little Alfred workflow that helps me blog by creating a properly named folder in the correct place and moving a draft post into that folder before publishing. Trouble is, the correct place is slightly different be...

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Strange but true. Last quarter I wrote “Getting the data out was easier too, having written myself an aide-memoire”. Could I find it this quarter? Of course not. Still, the basics were reasonably easy to recall. I really do want to improve the way I deal with the months of a quarter. I know there...

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Not really FOMO, but it would have been nice to have been able to attend the first meeting of Front End Study Hall yesterday. Still, glancing through the notes, especially in light of having recently pressed Publish on a redesign of one of my other sites, made me once again reassess my priorities.

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Quite by coincidence, I discovered yesterday that I wrote a post on the same day ten years ago expressing my frustration at being able only to tinker with the technology underlying my website, rather than actually understanding it. Why coincidence? Because I am once again in the throes of tinkering with my website while not fully understanding it. And something I wrote back then is a fine prompt to get on and write my submission to this month's IndieWeb Carnival.

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My very first ride with Komoot was fine, and I appreciated the ease of saving a route and adding photos to it. At the same time, I moaned about wanting to own my narrative maps. This past weekend, with a bit of help from my mate ChatGPT, I reached a primary milestone.1

I can plot the route on a static map with markers for any photos I choose to include.

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