⏱️ 05:04 ⇄55.4km ⌀10.9km/h ↗774m ↘707m
It is strange indeed, on a bicycle ride, to view successive downhill sections with mounting trepidation, but that's what happened to me on Friday. After the first glorious descent, swooping around beautiful curves for just about two kilometres, and ma...
⏱️ 02:49 ⇄33.7km ⌀11.6km/h ↗357m ↘363m
The Eroica is a bicycle ride dedicated to vintage bicycles (pre-1987) and held in Tuscany on the first Sunday in October. I have known about it for a while, and encountered it accidentally last year. This year, back near Buonconvento with The Squeez...
Rabbit Quest really is fun home and away, offering at least one option for somewhere to go. This morning, first of a few days in Tuscany accompanying The Squeeze, the quest was about 1.5km away and reasonably close to a road. Off I went.
Walking in this part of the world at this time of the y...
I had a doctor’s appointment today. The doctor didn’t show for at least an hour. He also wasn’t answering calls from his frazzled staff. I hope he’s OK and glad that my need wasn’t urgent and that I was able to rebook. I also took advantage of the enforced downtime to read
...Reply All used to be required listening if you were interested in the internet, even more so after it became Gimlet Media’s first flagship podcast. Back then it was essential that PJ and Alex be on top of the socials, especially so they could play Yes, Yes, No with their somewhat clueless boss, to the delight of this somewhat clueless listener. But today? Why on earth would PJ Vogt be hanging around on the shitesite while simultaneously feeling bad about hanging around on the shitesite?