Here’s the thing: I honestly can remember only a single bad event during the entire year. It was very bad, and entirely personal, so I’m going to say no more. Even the medical procedures I underwent had happy outcomes, compared to what I was dreading. So, another great year.

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Today’s rabbit quest offered an interesting and impossible challenge: smack dab in the middle of the Regina Coeli prison in Trastevere. I got as close as I could.

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There was a time, a long while back, when I was responsible for a good chunk of land, about 2.5 hectares. I wasn’t the only one who worked that land, but I made most of the decisions and thinking about what we did there fills me with happy memories.

Part of it was working with others to achieve a...

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This is Part I of a two-part rant about podcasting. It was triggered by Tim Chambers linking to the summary podcast stats at Listen Notes. This part asks what the fediverse might do for podcasting. Part II will look back in an attempt to understand how we (I) got here.

”There are at least 3,


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Small badge that reads “written by human not by AI”

There’s an interesting discussion going on in the IndieWeb chat forums about signalling that your website does not use AI. JamesG, for example, displays a badge on each post (though not on his home page, that reads “written by human not by AI” and that links through to a site that explains why such a badge is a good thing: “make sure humanity continues to advance”.

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