The pages here look very slightly different. Nothing major, mostly just changing the relative sizes of the different bits of text and trying to make things as legible as possible. CSS etc. is hard these days, and I have probably broken something. If you see anything that's either broken or ugly, fee...

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In the course of talking about and writing up Setting my marginalia free I took advice from other people who've done the same sort of thing. One of them has a link to buy the book he's talking about on Amazon, and of course it is an affiliate link. That means if you buy the book by visiting Amaz...

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Getting ready for a trip, and enjoying the luxury of making sure some things, at least, work.

I've had a little problem here, mostly the result of biting off more than I can chew, technology-wise. I've sorted it out now, I'm pleased to say, more or less all by myself. "More or less" because the very act of asking others for help seems to be necessary to get me to think logically about things and try to solve them in a systematic manner.

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It would be easy enough to look at this website and conclude that I have been no more present here than I was on the old set-up. That would be wrong. For one thing, there have been quite a few tweaks under the hood that aren't visible but that do make a difference to what is visible. For another, there's the somewhat daunting task of bringing over the ±1400 posts from the old site and trying to make sure that links from the old site end up on the correct page here.

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