OMFG! It worked

It really did (if this appears)

One final reality check; in the right directory

It has been a fun couple of weeks as I have gently come to grips with this new CMS, Grav. It is actually way more powerful than I need, but I rather like the way it works, at least as far as I understand it, and I have been able to bend it slightly to my will. The result is what you see here.

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Having gone nuts and done a clean install of El Capitan, I'm trying to recover bits of my working life. Mostly, that is going well. But not with my main website. I moved that from a well-dodgy WordPress installation to a static site generated by Octopress a few years ago, and while I enjoyed getting that system up and running, I didn't really want to go through it all again. It is just too inflexible for my needs.

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Of course information wants to be free. But information (and entertainment) providers have to live too. And they want to be loved. Recognition is a powerful motivator, and with a little effort can also be a bit financially rewarding, which is why I signed up with Flattr.

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