Deciding to host a blog carnival was the easy part. Actually doing the work took me right back to those wonderful merry-go-round rides of yesteryear, complete with steam driven organ, as opposed to all the shiny themed rides of the modern amusement park. But enough reminiscence. To work!
The sky is clear celeste, unmarked by clouds. The wind is fresh, but not overly so. The temperature is a delicious 23°C. In other words, a perfect early autumn day. Yesterday was the same, maybe a touch windier, just the job for a very long bike ride.
Time to bite the bullet I launched at myself a long time ago, and specify a topic for September's Indieweb Carnival: My Kind of Weather.
I no longer have a garden. I used to have one, in spades. Almost two hectares of old apple orchard, a large polytunnel, raised beds for veggies, flowers galore, a pond big enough to dip into after a hard day’s work. All gone, for reasons that needn’t detain us now, and that I try hard not to think a...
A lot of people derive great benefit from recording, usually daily, the things that bring them joy or for which they are grateful. That isn’t something I do — at least not publicly — although I will sometimes jot down something along those lines as a reminder to future me. That may be because I am e...