The launch of a new blog carnival was so exciting that I wrote my own summary, even though I was not the host. That job was very ably performed by Sara Jakša, who launched the carnival. The point of my roundup was to visit each of the sites and, by way of encouragement, send a webmention to each...
It’s alive! The Carnival of IndieWeb, that is, with the first monthly roundup from Sara Jakša, who started this ball rolling. I looked at them all, because that’s a key point of blog carnivals, to discover things you might not otherwise have found.
We are looking after a friend’s place in the country and perhaps the hardest work is keeping on top of the vegetable garden. Ignore it for a day, and there are five large cucumbers, mocking you. My cucumber repertoire is somewhat limited; raita, quick pickle, sandwiches and, when I remember, Yan-Kit...
Robin Sloan is always good to read (although I have not, yet, had enough downtime to read Sourdough). His proposal for
is no exception and I decided to give it the “close consideration” he asked for. I’m not sure I have any “generous imagination” to offer.How strange to discover two milestones written about on the same day, several years apart. First there was the post in which I “discovered” podcasts. Eleven years later I was mourning the passing of ADN and extending one of the IndieWeb metaphors — eat what you cook1 — with a little biological...