Six days ago, I learned about Bibliogram. It offers a neat and fast view of public Instagram profiles, and some instances also offer a RSS feed. That set me thinking. Could it be a way to automatically post photos from InstaGram to my stream?

I’m here to tell you: it could.

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It’s so nice when things just happen to come together and move me forward. A teeny thing, but mine, and I hope worth sharing.

A week back I wrote about tending my zettelkasten garden, and trying to become more of a curator and less of a hoarder. Two days later someone mentioned, which I had a quick look at. That same day, a cyberchum posted something “from this morning’s Readwise email”. So I was well primed.

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People have written some interesting things following on from the pop-up IndieWebCamp that Chris Aldrich organised a couple of weeks ago. The Garden and the Stream set out to compare and contrast wikis and weblogs and how the two might be used. It was a terrific success, and I’m sorry I wasn’t able to be there. The topic interests me and is something I’ve thought about on and off for a long time. This morning, I treated myself to thinking about it some more.

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It has been three weeks now since I first ran Bise on my logfiles to see who and what had been popping in here to take a look. It’s a bit of a faff, for a whole variety of reasons, which start with my host keeping only a couple of days worth of logs. That means I have to download the logs daily. And my host’s naming convention is different from the one Bise expects. Rather than play with Bise, it is easier to rename the files. And then there's a whole lot of to-ing and fro-ing.

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Very strange, but for two days straight my log files have not shown anyone coming here for a post that couldn't be found. Is this a sign of success, or of increasing irrelevance?

Anyway, I did eventually find something that couldn't be found, and brought it in. And it triggered all sorts of nost...

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