One of the difficulties of trying to be IndieWeb is that because there is no One True Way, only a set of useful building blocks, lovingly assembled, when something isn't working well it can be hard to know which bit is responsible for what. I had that problem recently with waiting a long time before a post here appeared there. Then today, a post I published this morning popped up on, and I had time to think about fixing things.

It was trivial, but I fixed it. Here's how.

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The Main Squeeze had a slightly spooky moment when she opened her Instagram app this morning. Last night, she'd been noodling around looking for a holiday place to stay. Now, near the top of her stream, there was the exact same place she had spent most time looking at, in a "sponsored" post.

We ha...

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I really enjoyed reading Eli Mellen's post of a couple of days ago: Dear IndieWeb, it may be time to start considering the user, not just the technical spec.

It really struck a chord with me because I have so often felt exactly the same frustrations, but my moaning comes from a position of consi...

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Over the past few days I have again picked up the torch of fully implementing webmentions in Grav. It's a maddening pursuit, mostly because I don't really know what I'm doing (although I am getting fantastic help from the folks in the IndieWeb community). The details are pretty arcane, and although I am trying to keep a decent record of all the steps and missteps, a full write-up will have to wait. In the meantime, I'm up against all sorts of weird things that I don't fully understand. My main aim is to try and get a more consistent, more essential, set of data back about webmentions to this site. To do that, I need to persuade the plugin to use XRay, rather than the standard PHP microformat parser, which I started doing back in late May.

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As soon as added the ability to crosspost to a micropub-equipped site, I've tried, sporadically, to get it to work with my Known site. It never would work, and proved extremely frustrating to troubleshoot. Other people would just say, "It works for me" and because the problem clearly lay somewhere between the two entities it was very hard to know where to begin looking for trouble.

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