Reading Aaron's #IndieWeb Reflections, I want to say #metoo, but without debasing that hashtag.

I'm struck that he and I seem to be in very much the same place. I too find it hard to explain; but then again, I don't try much. I too get lost in the mechanics, although I am slowly making progress....

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I've moaned publicly and to anyone who'll listen about how much I hate the way Instagram now shows me photos from the people I follow. Hating's not enough, though. You have to do something about it.

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To dwell on the positive, I believe I am now collecting the simpler data on webmentions that I wanted to. It was a long while getting there, and fortunately I had a lot of help from Aaron Parecki, who wrote the library I wanted to use. It turns out that in my ignorance I exposed a couple of issues,...

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What an interesting, inspiring day. I thought I would be way out of my depth, but I was by no means the least indiewebified person there, and I was possibly not the least nerdy person either. During introductions I realised that, like Sebastian Greger, I'm an indieweb hangover from the era when th...

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Large parts of the past three days have been spent down the rabbit hole that is modifying a WordPress theme, with extra time recovering from blank screens of death and other assorted niceties, all, thankfully, here at home rather than on the live site.

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