People have raised concerns about Wes Anderson's Isle of Dogs. It's cultural appropriation. It's racist, or at the very least xenophobic. For the first, I couldn't give a fig. When an artist creates something they inevitably appropriate; creation requires that. The second, I honestly don't feel st...

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Inigo Thomas' recent diary in the LRB, focused on Michael Wolff and Fire and Fury, was a treat in and of itself.

Resentment broke out, as if Wolff, who has written mostly about the media in the past, had stolen a subject from the seasoned political reporters. Or was it because, by getting i...

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The (Italian) poster for Three billboards outside Ebbing, Missouri describes it as a black comedy. I'm not sure I would call it a comedy of any kind, even though it has lots of very funny moments. But then, I'm not sure what category I would put it in, if forced. "Quirky, damn funny, thought-provo...

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The big difference between Broadchurch, ITV’s knockoff of The Killing, and its model is that in the end, The Killing made sense whereas Broadchurch did not.

They were similar enough as they rolled along. Everyone damaged to a greater or lesser extent, many hiding secrets nothing to do with th...

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I'm not sure how long I've been waiting to see Beasts of the Southern Wild. There was a great article some time last year that made me write down the title and scour my usual haunts from time to time, each time coming up empty. So when a friend casually mentioned that she'd seen it here in Rome, a...

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