A Ken Loach comedy? For the first half hour or so that seemed unlikely in the extreme. Oh sure, there were laughs as the Voice of God tried to prevent a harmless drunk falling under a fast-approaching train. But as the beak sentenced the four stars to community service, and awful sudden violence rai...
I became aware that I had finished this book after I read the last word, me, on the last page, although of course it wasn’t the actual physical last page, for there were three blank pages, blank, that is, except for the publisher’s web address on the actual, physical last page, a result of the print...
I’m the kind of person who likes to do a little research, especially when reviewing books. Not for me the put-down (X fails to consider the reverse-Reimann manoeuvre and yet expects us to take his analysis of post-causal hermeneutics seriously) that is so easily countered (Y obviously didn’t get as...
Tech Transfer is a self-published first novel.
If that rings alarm bells, silence them. Daniel S. Greenberg knows science, especially science funding, administration and politics in the US, better than anyone else alive today. Add the book’s subtitle -- Science, Money, Love and the Ivory Tower --...
There is a temptation, and we all know what Oscar Wilde said, in his native English, about temptations, or perhaps it is merely an urge, or a desire, something I want to do in any case, when faced by an extremely peculiar writing style, something way out on the boundaries of normalcy, something that...