There is a temptation, and we all know what Oscar Wilde said, in his native English, about temptations, or perhaps it is merely an urge, or a desire, something I want to do in any case, when faced by an extremely peculiar writing style, something way out on the boundaries of normalcy, something that takes a bit of work, or at least effort, to make sense of, to see whether the particular style is easy to emulate, simulate, copy. That was the notion that struck me, not literally, of course, for it consisted only in the firing of a particular set of neurons, forcefully, and why do we say that neurons “fire” as if some explosive force were indeed involved, as I made my way past about the one-third mark, although I wasn’t literally counting words, paragraphs, pages and chapters, of the book I eventually finished a little more than a week ago. Tedious though it may seem, at least to the beginner who has not in fact yet metaphorically waded through the sucking swamps and treachery of his prose, not yet come to the realization that while this “intriguing and audacious experiment,” as an unnamed reviewer in the Sunday Times, and the rushing flow of composition prevents me from backtracking and consulting a search engine in an attempt to, how can I put it, search for him, or her, is indeed intriguing and audacious, it is also extremely successful. If you like this sort of thing. And if you do like this sort of thing, as another reviewer apocryphally wrote, then this is indeed the sort of thing you will like. I did. And although other books that have been waiting patiently their turn, their moment to glory in the limelight of attention, will keep me from Volume 2 of Your Face Tomorrow, that Volume 2 too is waiting its turn, a turn that necessarily must come after Volume 1, the book I am here not so much reviewing as reliving, a turn which will come in due course. At least, that is what I intuited, glancing at the pile of unread books by my side. When, it is impossible now to say, or even think with any certainty, the only certainty being that it will indeed come, at some time, in the future. Obviously.
My rating: 4 out of 5
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