Grateful for Grav

Just a quick note to thank the people who develop the content management system that brings you these pages: Grav. I had some problems late on Friday, asked for help on the forum and got it over the weekend. Very slick. And although the problem was of my own making, it also did result in a little change to the way Grav looks for specific filenames.

The version I'm using is free, and I understand that there's a paid version that allows an administrator to do much fancier things. That's probably a good thing for professional developers, but way beyond my needs. I like to pay for the software I use, but there doesn't seem to be any easy way to do that. I hope the people behind Grav think of adding something like that. I'd definitely Flattr it.

The process of moving over and learning some new things is prompting me to rethink some of my assumptions about how I publish things online. Nothing concrete, yet, but starting to see potential ways to do things a bit differently.

And now, back to checking, updating and bringing old content here where it now belongs.

Filed under | Geeky |




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