I began this monthly report on the first of the month, full of good intentions and excuses. That it took another five days is proof the excuses are real.

"Excuse" always seems to carry such a freight of negativity. They're not reasons for failing to accomplish what you set out to do. They just excuse you, and that's just beating yourself up. Myself. So, no more excuses. Reasons!


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I suppose that if the previous month gets done more than halfway through, then the subsequent month is going to come on fast like an express train. So here we are.

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Yikes! A big part of me wants to just ignore March until the end of April. But the rest of me knows that if I do that, chances are the whole task will be too overwhelming and I will just give up. So, better later than never.

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February was a pretty good month. Or maybe it's just that I have a lot more reminders of how good it was.

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Trying to get a jump on this whole monthly thing by getting to work on it sooner rather than later. An end to procrastination, but not just yet.

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