The PHP course I started has been going really well, giving me the good grounding that I was looking for and that I never had. The secret will be somehow to keep using it. Some pretty big bakes too, handling double my normal quantity in a day. The big downside there is oven time. I can bake only one...

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Two biggish changes this month. I switched my time recording software to Tyme and I am really liking it. I also downloaded The Archive and am trying both to make it my preferred note-taking app (not so easy) and to adopt a stricter approach to notes based on Zettelkasten methods (easier, especially with The Archive). Also started taking a proper PHP course in Coursera.

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I'm feeling a bit stir-crazy as my blessed knee is still cramping my style more than somewhat. More than two months now since whatever it was, and during that time I've discovered that anti-inflamatories (diclofenac) help with the pain, but also encourage me to get out and walk, which doesn't help w...

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Overall the month has been pretty good. One week of the month I was away from my desk, so that skews things a bit. The biggest upset was a knee injury that knocked my steps way down. The irony is, this came on after injections of hyaluronic acid, to lube the arthritic joint. Those worked so well I think I overdid things, as a result of which I did some sort of damage to the ligaments and tendons on the inside of the knee. The doctor advised ice, rest and elevation, and occasional use of a brace. Those helped, a little, but it wasn't until I turned to ingested anti-inflamatories that things really improved, and that was only a couple of days ago.

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The most important thing to note is that I was away from my desk literally for three weeks, on a wonderfully relaxing holiday. Of course, there were still work-like things to be done, and they got done, but mostly I wasn’t thinking or doing much “work”. Ever hopeful, I entered a podcast for the James Beard Awards, although the expanded duration allowed, one hour now as opposed to 30 minutes before, is a worry. I also set up some direct payment options so that people can support the podcast. Take that, Patreon.

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