Whoop-de-doo; Independence Day in the USA and, as one wag put it, “Enjoy! It may be your last”. I fear I have succumbed to a bit of doom and gloom this past month, what with entirely fatuous politics in so many places and continuing incontrovertible evidence that climate change probably is completely out of control now.
To Venice, again, and this time on the Brompton. Well, train to Treviso and then cycle to Venice, but still. Magic. Fun trips also to see my sainted mother in England and the Dublin Gastronomy Symposium. The cooler, wetter spring has meant the terrace is a jungle.
Around the web, a few people are saying that April went by super quick. Not for me. Nor dragging either. Just felt like an ordinary month in which I did some extraordinary things, most notably spending time with a great friend from grad-student days first in Rome, then by train to Venice, then by train to Vienna. Glorious.
March was ... March. Changeable, erratic, unpredictable. Good things on the bicycle, taking the train somewhere and cycling to a different train station. Movement among the plants on the terrace. Good fun and some entertaining podcasts made.
Wow, February went whizzing by. Managed to do something slightly clever with the subscription emails for Eat This Newsletter, and it paid off, at least this once. Mastodon is still fun and may be proving useful. Hard to say, until I polish up my thing for looking at logs.