Delayed by a day because I judged a blog carnival round-up to be of a higher priority. And to be honest, there isn't that much to report, but here goes anyway.
This may be the latest I have ever done a monthly report, and that is down to having an enjoyable but tough piece of paid work that should have been delivered a week ago, but was finally delivered yesterday. And the biggest thrill of the undocumented month actually took place in September, so you’ll just have to wait.
Three weeks away from home makes for a very pleasant month, not least because we were able to read about Rome sweltering from afar.
Appalling. Over halfway through this month before summarising last month, and I was sorely tempted to just abandon a report for May.1 I know what that would do to me, eventually. In any case, I have excuses, two week-long trips, one in May, and one the first week in June.