Only half a month, really, because we were on holiday from the 16th and there isn't much from that time that I care to share.
A rather fine month, overall, making slow and solid progress on a couple of fronts.
Travellin’ Man: Just back from a train trip to Budapest, just off on a flight to the west of England. This update will of necessity be brief.
Also, I’ve concluded that I do indeed know just enough to be dangerous when it comes to Python and Perl. Advice will be sought.
The best news, in a way, is that summer is very definitely over. We have enjoyed some excellent rain, both thunderous downpours and more gentle soaks and the park is greening up nicely as a result. It is still warm though, so the terrace plants are doing really well. Launched the new season of Eat This Podcast to an uptick in downloads but a downturn in subscribers. Truly, I have no idea what makes sense any more, so I’ll just keep plodding along.
Back in the saddle, and a very comfy one it has been too. A delightful month enjoying the emptiness of Rome as a reward for suffering the sweltering heat. The Squeeze succumbed to the desire for coolth and splurged on what they call here a pinguino, a stand-alone air conditioner that is nominally mobile but that needs to have its exhaust hose fixed into a hole in a window, which rather limits the opportunity to move it around. Still, it cools the little studio very effectively, and when needs must, as it did a couple of times, I could retire there too with a portable machine. The terrace flourished as I can scarce remember, there was parking when we needed it, trips out to the lake mid-week kept us cool. A delight, and now here we are cat-sitting again in the depths of the Umbrian countryside. Truly, I am grateful for my life.