This post was a mess, because my Python was a mess, because I know just enough to break things badly. I sort-of detoxified my superfund site and now I think I need to nuke Anaconda from space and try to live with what I have learned.

No excuses. Well, plenty of them, actually, including trips to London and the USA, during which I resolved not to clutter my life with doing things for the sake of it. So, I did some things I needed to do, but not things I might have wanted to do had I been at home. As a result, there’s a big chunk not accounted from, from roughly 20 June to 20 July. And I don’t care. Much.

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April is almost my favourite month, never standing still, the pace of change so rapid. On the terrace, dead sticks spring to life while the earliest flowers put on their show and quietly vanish. Slow heartbreaks too, like the avocado that I hoped might survive being potted on but really has not. Heartmakes, if such a thing exists, with the discovery of a score of tiny seedlings in one of the cactus pots, now duly pricked out and maybe even growing on. May brings different trials, most notably whether the irrigation can be made to work. But April, April sings.

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Where did the month go? This time I do know! To London, where I had a really good stay for two whole weeks. The longer stay made everything better. No pressure to be with some people all the time, which leads only to tension. Time to spend with friends I haven’t seen in an age. Time even to just walk around. What I realised more than anything was that I do not much want to move back to the UK. I want to be near to my friends.

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Where did the month go? I know it is a short month, but it was over so quickly. Still, there were trips to the beach and the cinema (Belfast) to remember.

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