Another relaxing month, with an arduous cat-sitting gig in Umbria enjoying a friend's beautiful house in the country. It played havoc with time-keeping and podcast-listening, but so what.

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A really relaxing month, although the UK government’s decision to open up somewhat to overseas travellers made the final few days a bit hectic.

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Slightly delayed, this time, by departure for holiday on the last of the month and then taking three days to get to the point where it would be OK to sit in front of a screen again.

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Later than I’ve ever been, I think, thanks to The Client From Hell. Further proof, if proof were needed, that no amount of compensation is sufficient and also of that old adage:

If a thing’s not worth doing, it’s not worth doing well.

Heigh ho.

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It is extremely galling that as soon as one has committed to learning something new, one is immediately flooded with unavoidable paid work that prevents one from putting the new stuff into practice. As a result, one may as well not have bothered.

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