Black and white photo of the Castello della Magliana as it was in about 1935

The Castello della Magliana as it was in about 1935

On Saturday I made good on a promise to myself: I went for a bike ride with a bunch of strangers. It was great fun, and while I didn’t make any friends, I did chat to a couple of people and took those first important steps.

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Fine outing yesterday morning, to see the Raoul Dufy show at the Palazzo Cipolla down in the centre.

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The crocuses have been out now for a couple of days here, as they have elsewhere. These are not the big blowsy purple or yellow ones that make a bright carpet of colour. In fact, from a distance they’re nothing, one reason why I did not bother with a wide shot here. Get down on your knees in the m...

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This is something new, on two counts. It records a hike we took together in the country, The Squeeze and I. And it uses a new template I made specifically for photos. That is explained elsewhere.

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It is truly astonishing what phone cameras are capable these days, and that old saw about the best camera being the one you have with you is truer than ever. Nevertheless, I do sometimes get a hankering to go back to my “proper” camera. Sometimes it is because the picture couldn’t be taken any other way, like the nesting blue tits I posted yesterday. Other times it is because I want a degree of control more than the phone affords me.

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