Six almost opened buds on a barrel-shaped cactus

Been waiting, each morning and each evening, for these.

Six opened flowers on a barrel-shaped cactus

Palm tree pruned to a knob

They pruned a palm next door. What were they thinking? Plonkers.

I was going to rant. I was going to rave. I was going to find a voodoo doll of my printer -- or maybe of Photoshop -- and stick pins in it. Because after I had spent a decent amount of time cleaning up a scan and getting it just so on the monitor, when I came to commit to print, the blasted imag...

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Interior of a corridor in the Summer Palace, Beijing

I tried a long and meaningful post about getting straight from flickr to here. But I was being too clever, and the words vanished into the aether. So I'm trying again, with a bunch of garbage words, just to see what's what.

I tried a long and meaningful post about getting straight from flickr to...

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A man wearing a turban and djelaba leaning against and arched doorway and seen in silhouette Finally finding time to tag, label, metalabel, geo-reference and all that the pictures I took over Easter. Making that task a whole lot easier is a new little application I found called [Geotagger] It does one thing -- adding latitude and longit...

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