The Food Programme on BBC Radio 4 recently did a programme on butter, and jolly interesting it was too. That the Danes and the French caught the Irish dozing 1and overran Ireland's global butter domination was news to me. The rapid romp through the health debate was a bit light. I don't think I'...
Podcasts are probably the single best thing about the internet. Sure it is handy to be able to search for things, but after a while I get so used to information on demand that I get angry when I can’t find it, or it isn’t there, or — Gasp! — what is there is wrong. But podcasts! Radio on Demand. And...
Sometimes the zeitgeist is trying to tell you something. Like when NPR's Planet Money and BBC Radio 4's Food Programme tackle the same subject in utterly different ways and yet come to an almost similar conclusion: lard; a bit of what you fancy does you good.
Of the two, I'd have to say that P...
I’m not sure I really know, but ...
TED is the Urban Outfitters of the idea world
Urban Outfitters, in case you didn’t know, is a mostly hip place that sells kinda-sorta retro chic stuff that people who like that sort of thing like. Possibly that’s what Nathan Jurgenson had in mind when h...