Γ propos the need to get out there and flog my wares, three thoughts.
In an effort to keep the mothership for Eat This Podcast relatively clean and simple, all I ever publish there are the podcasts themselves and, obviously, the show notes for each one. The upside is that it keeps things clean and simple. The downside is that it isn't obvious what else is going on. I spent a fruitless morning trying to get people's comments to show up without needing an additional click, and failed. So I thought one way to do that would be to summarize them here. I might also do that with the stuff I come across that prompts me to link to an earlier podcast, like this:
A few weeks ago the Wall Street Journal ran a little article about "bold and bizarre" new butters. The story kicked off thusly:
Buried in a bog north of the Swedish city of Gothenburg is a little bundle that could be the next big thing in butter. Patrik Johansson, the so-called Butter Viking, who supplies Noma and restaurants in London, Paris and Germany, has wrapped some of his hand-churned butter in birch leaves and linen, and buried it. For seven years. "As there is no oxygen, it should not go rancid," he says. "I want to see what it tastes like."
A great opportunity to link (on Tumblr)1 to the very first Eat This Podcast, dedicated to bog butter, in which I did actually taste the stuff, thanks to Noma experimental chef Ben Reade. Did it bring me any listeners? I have absolutely no idea. But I think I'm going to do that stuff here first from now on.
And finally, there's a thing called The Podcast Awards. Nominations open on October 1st, and I'll probably throw reticence to the winds and nominate myself in the Food and Drink category, because that's the most obvious one, even if it doesn't quite fit what I am trying to do. I'll make some other nominations too, and I'll probably be going as far as I can in asking listeners to vote for me. It can't hurt ...
26 December 2015: But, y'know, screw Tumblr. Because reasons. ↩
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