The wonderful brouhaha over the idiocy at Cooks Source 1 shows no signs of dying down. For new readers, a foolish editor at Cooks Source -- described by the Washington Post as “a formerly obscure food magazine based in Sunderland, Mass.” -- stole an article from the internet, offered a less than complete apology to the aggrieved author, and is now reaping the whirlwind.
The details, ethics, etc. of the incident are being rehashed all over the shop. That’s not my purpose here. My purpose here is to wonder why Monica, the article’s onlie true begetter, included in her request to Cooks Source “$130 to Columbia School of Journalism as a donation”.
I mean, why?
No apostrophes please; we're cool. Or maybe it's a phrase, as in "Cooks source and hopes to get away with it". Kinda like cooking the books. ↩
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