Weekly Treat 2

Plains of old Nebrasky-o

Album artwork Program 8 Broadsides in the Sounds to Grow On series contained some wonderful songs, and some terrible ones (Song for Patty, anyone?). Some early Bob Dylan, some early Bob Dylan wannabees, some glorious others. But how could I resist a song that starts

In school I learned of men who died by the gun
But not of those who died by the hoe
The land has drunk the rains
Of many a farmers blood
Now forgotten and buried long a go

and continues in similar vein?

So, here we are. The Plains of old Nebrasky-o, sung by Eric Chapman with Phil Ochs, from the Folkways album Broadside Ballads volume 3. (Bonus tip: for a real chill, listen to Phil Ochs do Links on the Chain.)

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