Kiva is probably the most succesful thing in existence to allow ordinary folks to lend money to other ordinary folks. I've been a member since early 2008, and I think it's a really good idea, which is not to say that Kiva is a particularly good implementation. In fact, we've had our differences. But I keep "reinvesting". I suspect in part because it is, or was, the only game in town. That and inertia. But maybe the time has come to overcome my inertia.

I'm prompted, this time, by a simple error in a mass emailing Kiva sent me, reminding me that I had uninvested funds and suggesting I "Go to and make a loan today!"

What's the problem? The link is wrong. It starts hhttp:// rather than http:// Silly, I know, but computers are silly.1 That's why we have people. But not, obviously, people who check whether someone, somewhere, has made a silly mistake.

A silly mistake that was easy enough for me to discover, though I wonder how many other people with money at Kiva would get the email, click on the link, be told they've made a mistake, and be utterly frustrated?

Ages ago I banked with the National Westminster Bank, in England. Service was pretty rubbish, but, you know, there were all these standing orders and credit cards and stuff like that and it was always too much of a hassle to overcome the inertia and move to a better bank. Besides, all banks were so much the same. Then along came First Direct, and they said, just sign up with us and we'll take care of the hassle. So I did, and they did, and we've been happy together ever since.

If someone -- I'm looking at you, Global Giving, but there are at least 15 other contenders -- sent me an email saying, sign up with us and we'll take care of the hassle, I'd be there like a shot.

Now to see about extricating my money from Kiva. Or not.

  1. I fixed the link for them; no hard feelings. 

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