At work on a Saturday, reflecting on the fact that when things here are at their busiest, I probably have most to say on the blog, but don't say it for two reasons. After an entire day processing words and staring at a screen, the last thing I want to do is more of the same. And then there is the question of what I might say about work. Nothing negative, no sirree, we're not that kind of place.
Right now, though, I'm waiting for a DVD to burn 1 and whereas I could possibly do some useful paper-shuffling, I chose not to. Instead, I decided to upgrade another blog I maintain, using a different tool. Alas, total failure. Everything went haywire. But panic not, I carefully took a backup before I started to mess. So I'll just back away from the mess and restore from the backup. Even bigger mess. Not merely screwed up formatting: an entire absence of content. I need better brains than mine to sort this out, which means waiting till Monday. Ho hum
DVDs burned. Off home.
How quaint is that? Plus ça change, and all that. ↩
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