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Episode summary: In a special live edition recorded at the Bristol Festival of Economics we discuss the impact of the technology revolution on democratic politics. Has the rise of automation contributed to the rise of populism? Is China winning the AI wars against the West? And do any democratic politicians - from Elizabeth Warren to Jeremy Corbyn - have the policies to get big tech back under control? With Rana Foroohar, author of Don’t Be Evil, and Carl Frey, author of The Technology Trap, plus Diane Coyle, founder and programme director of the Bristol Festival of Economics. Next week: the Facebook election. For information regarding your data privacy, visit acast.com/privacy

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Interesting episode, rounding up most of the usual suspects. The one new thing I heard was from Rana Faroohar, who pointed out that one reason libertarian types like the idea of Universal Basic Income is because it puts everything on the individual. Individuals don't buy better school systems or effective bus transport, she said, or words to that effect. The stuff about people finding self-worth in their jobs, which Carl Frey mentioned, doesn't seem to be anything like a real objection. But from now on, I hope to examine UBI schemes with an eye on who will be paying for basic services. I dunno, maybe there could even be an efficiency dividend from getting away from a plethora of expensive-to-administer schemes that could be invested in basic infrastructure.

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