Episode summary: August 1945, the war is over, and the evidence is building up. If anything there’s too much paperwork, too many files – the Nazi machine insisted on recording everything. But are these documents sufficient – or will they need to hear from the victims themselves? Meanwhile, across Germany, ordinary soldiers are stumbling across the concentration camps, shocked and stunned by what they find. The British drive into Belsen having been told it was ‘just a typhus hospital’. But when they start taking affidavits from prisoners, the investigators start to hear about a place in the East called Auschwitz-Birkenau – and the witnesses talk about gas chambers and industrial-scale killing. It’s unbelievable. Starring Luke Norris as Roger Barrett, lawyer in charge of the Nuremberg Documents Room, and featuring Rosie Sheehy as Ada Bimko, a Polish Survivor of Auschwitz. Cast: Roger Barrett - LUKE NORRIS Robert Storey - HARI DHILLON John Amen - JOSEPH ALESSI Robert H Jackson - JOSEPH MYDELL Colonel Leo Genn - NICHOLAS…
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