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Episode summary: In Italian, there are two verbs that mean “to be”: essere and stare. When should you use each one? Find out in this simple guide! Join our Italian club and get a free mini Italian lesson every week: http://courses.joyoflanguages.com/5-minute-italian/ Get the bonus materials for this episode: http://joyoflanguages.com/essere-vs-stare/ Today's Italian words: Sono felice = I'm happy Sono italiano = I'm Italian (m) Sono alto = I'm tall (m) Sono qui = I'm here Sto bene = I’m well Sto male = I’m not well, literally “I’m bad” Sto meglio = I’m better Stare con le persone = to spend time with people, literally “to stay with people” Stare con la famiglia = to spend time with the family, literally “to stay with the family” Stare zitto = to be quiet, to shut up Stare fermo = to stay still Stare attento = to pay attention, literally “to stay attentive” Stare calmo = to stay calm

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