Episode summary: When LA punks were looking for a place to play in the late 1970s, Chinatown welcomed the unruly scene. But it was an uneasy alliance that led to fierce rivalries, hurt feelings, blatant racism, and broken toilets. At the center of it all was Esther Wong.

Episode summary: A Treat for the Die-Hards

Episode summary: What if a business owner asserts that serving a gay customer violates their first amendment rights?

Episode summary: Melvyn Bragg and guests discuss Donne (1573-1631), known now as one of England’s finest poets of love and notable in his own time as an astonishing preacher. He was born a Catholic in a Protestant country and, when he married Anne More without her father’s knowledge, Donne lost his...

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Episode summary: On Aug. 1, 1942, the nation’s recording studios went silent. Musicians were fed up with the new technologies threatening their livelihoods, so they refused to record until they got their fair share.

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Episode summary: Some books have titles that jump out right out at you, Carmela Ciuraru’s new group biography Lives of the Wives is definitely one of those books. She tells us about her five wives and the hazards of literary relationships.

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Episode summary: Listen to The prince against the press – here: https://pod.fo/e/1651d7If you enjoyed listening to Londongrad, we hope you enjoy the latest podcast from reporter Paul Caruana Galizia, this week’s Slow Newscast from Tortoise.If you think the Prince Harry show – the books, the docume...

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Episode summary: On Background: Bad Actors on the Blockchain

Episode summary: In Italian, there are two verbs that mean “to be”: essere and stare. When should you use each one? Find out in this simple guide! Join our Italian club and get a free mini Italian lesson every week: http://courses.joyoflanguages.com/5-minute-italian/ Get the bonus materials for th...

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Episode summary: Anti-Black Terrorism on Freedom Acres Farm