Alternate Sundays

There Will be Blood

M.A. Peel, over at her blog, has a big deal post explaining to the world the significance of the scene with the horses that ends the first segment, before the flashback, of Michael Clayton. She does a good job of it too. My point is, why was it needed? I mean, who did not realize what was going on? Lots of people, apparently.

Well, I may have a similar problem with There Will Be Blood. A few days after we saw it, The Squeeze raised the question whether Eli Sunday was also Paul Sunday, and she did not mean just that the two people were played by the same actor, Paul Dano. Some kind of schizo, psychotic, split personality thing. No way, was my instant thought. They were either twins or merely brothers, and using one actor was a neat trick. Luigi said as how it hadn’t occurred to him, but it was an interesting question. No way. They're two individuals. Simple.

Daniel Plainview says as much, when he metaphorically beats Eli about the head with Paul’s modest success, shortly before he literally beats Eli about the head with a tenpin. I’m totally happy with my view of things, which is supported by the IMDB’s plot synopsis1 although I am willing to entertain alternative views.

No point now in saying anything else about the movie.

My rating: 5 out of 5

  1. The book seems to be bloody copyrighted over at Amazon.  

Filed under | Judgements |




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