Priority task after coming home from a long spell away is always to take care of my microbial friends. The 100% hydration bread starter came back to life just fine. The kefir will have to wait till tomorrow and the 75% hydration wholemeal a little longer still. The yoghurt I did yesterday, and was g...
After the heat of August, a totally cool month in more ways than one. Way up north in Northern Ireland staying in a lovely, warm and comfortable house about 100 metres from a huge great strand. People said, what for? Because we could, and it turned out to be a much better time that passed much more rapidly than I could ever have imagined.
This morning, on Mastodon pointed me to from Qword and I had to chuckle, as it exactly describes why I treated myself to about 50 minutes of tomfoolery yesterday, though at a considerably lower level than Qword’s.
A lot of people are down on tools like ChatGPT for reasons I fully understand. Heck, I’m down on it myself as a substitute for a human writer. But to help my amateur programming efforts, I find it insanely useful.
Phew! What a scorcher! Seriously, August was hotter for longer than I can remember. Almost impossible to go for a walk at any reasonable hour, and although I managed a few early morning rides, they got pretty hot pretty fast too.
What more is there to say? Plenty, of course, but not this time. This is the final episode of this run of Our Daily Bread.
I say that as if there will be another, but all I’m really doing is leaving the door slightly ajar. I’ve had a lot of fun and learned a lot. I hope you have too.
For a f...