On this morning's walk, during which I was going over this article in my mind, my podcast player threw up the latest episode of The Food Programme from the BBC, about bread. Or rather, about Nathan Myhrvold and Modernist Bread. What a great episode it was, a marvellous example of how to showcase...

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It could have started a couple of days ago, but really, who has 12 days to celebrate, even something as wonderful as Fornacalia? In an effort to move things along I've started mixing up a batch of posts to culminate on 16 February with what I hope will be a massive tribute by and to bread bakers e...

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It really is rather satisfying to receive this kind of validation:

Too often I found myself wishing that Jeremy Cherfas had been picked up to give the subject a proper 10+ episode treatment. I suspect he’d have done a more interesting in-depth bunch of interviews and managed to weave a more coherent story out of the whole. Alas, twas never thus.

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Originally published on 17 February 2010, not much has changed, so I'll just give it a new date. And link to my offering: Cornbread for Fornacalia

The frieze of the baker's tomb

I can't actually be sure that today is the day, because the Curio Maximus hasn't actually announced it. But today is the last day it could possi...

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Over on Instagram I became fascinated by the bread videos of Trevor Jay Wilson, marvelling at how gentle he is with his dough and how wonderfully that dough performs for him.

Thus inspired, I tried a new approach, using an overnight autolyse. And it mostly worked.

The point is, why bother wr...

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