We are very fortunate to be staying at a friend’s place in the country, where the most onerous duty is not taking care of the cat — the ostensible reason for us being here — but keeping on top of the vegetable garden, and in particular the zucchini and cucumbers.
A couple of weeks ago, I read a fascinating post on The Fresh Loaf, in which Kendalman described his interesting approach to stretch and fold and offered an alternative explanation of what is going on, because he believes the conventional view is mistaken. As near as I can tell, he says that the...
Lammas day is something I had been vaguely aware of growing up, but it wasn’t until about 15 years ago that I started to understand its full significance. It is Loaf Mass Day.
On Loaf Mass Day, it is customary to bring to a Christian church a loaf made from the new crop, which began to be ha...
A couple of summers ago, we arrived on Ischia in that dead time, too late for lunch, too early for an aperitivo, and famished. The tavola calda just down the road didn’t have much left, but we took some of what there was and then I noticed on the counter a jar of large circular things, with almonds. Presuming them to be some kind of ciambelle, I confidently ordered two of them as a nod towards dessert.
Last week I was sorting through my recipe folder — the physical one, which is a mess of printed, scribbled and ripped bits of paper — and came across a bread that I had not made before and that for some reason called to me.
It was very good, so I wrote it up at the other place: flaxseed currant c...