At the Casa Marina gardens in Key West last week, I was quite surprised to see orchids mounted on slabs of what looked like cork oak bark. My surprise, I later learned, was the result of my own ignorance, as it seems fairly common to attach orchids to a support and let them get on with it. I res...
This time last year, I bought two gizmos that improved my on-the-road writing experience a lot; a Roost laptop stand and a little Logitech bluetooth keyboard. Add in my bluetooth mouse, and I can work comfortably almost anywhere I can find a table and chair. Except when I cannot find the right chair.
I've wanted for ages to be able to do visual representations of some of the data I collect, and as I had a bit more time than usual yesterday I finally made the effort to understand chartist.js and put it to work.
I very much enjoyed reading What Happened to Tagging, by Alexandra Samuel, so thanks to .
I do think, however, that she is being entirely too negative about the state of play today. Aaron singled out one wistful quote, about the web we could have. I noted that the aut...