This bafflingly huge waste of my time (and yours) was prompted by two seemingly unlinked events. (Of course, no two events are truly unlinked, but let that ride.) First, there was a bafflingly stupid "article" from Mother Jones: Let’s Remember Some Blogs – Mother Jones. Why stupid?

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Futurama cartoon of Ronald Reagan's head in a jar

One of those very strange coincidences today in the world of podcasts. Back to back, I heard first Criminal Show: A New Kind of Life and then Thinking Allowed: Immortality - transhumanism.

Criminal was about a strange man on Key West, who called himself Count von Cosel. His crime, if inde...

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"More tomorrow," I said in part 1 and, as usual, life got in the way.

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If you notice that this site looks a little different, that's because I'm just back from a terrific IndieWebCamp in Brighton this past weekend, and I had set myself the goal of setting this theme free on the hack day. Success, although there are still lots and lots of things to do, mostly quite minor, that I am adding to my snagging list. Like, I just discovered that I neglected to offer a search option on the home page. I should probably fix that, though the challenge may be more than minor.

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As part of a project I have in mind, I've started downloading the logs of this site from my server. Looking at them, I'm still surprised by how many pages search engines seem to be looking for and failing to find. Two questions:

  1. Where are they coming from? Mostly, it seems,, which is now
  2. Why doesn't my nifty rewrite rule redirect as I thought it did? 1

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