Two days ago, I bookmarked a column by Tim Harford, remembering the great economist Martin Weitzman. I knew Weitzman only because a colleague made use of his ideas on how to prioritise the conservation of species, the Noah's Ark problem. He wanted to pay people to conserve quinoa varieties, but wh...
Only one thing makes it worth routinely feeding antibiotics to livestock; profit at any cost.
Lately I've had some difficulties with Overcast, my podcast player of choice. It would simply stop playing and go dark after about 10 seconds. It hadn't actually quit, and could be re-opened on the phone and then, even if I didn't touch a thing, would go dark again. I was baffled, and even asked on...
Finally, late this afternoon, I found time to watch the video of a talk by Ethan Marcotte that
[Y]ou really must watch it. Don’t multitask. Don’t fast forward. Set aside some time and space, and then take it all in.
I did. Set aside the time, watched a...
One night earlier this week we had two power cuts in quick succession. Watching TV on the computer (what does one call that, when the show wasn't actually on television in the first place?) continued as normal, thanks to the UPS bought after a more consequential outage a couple of years ago. Next mo...