Seth Roberts, he of the Shangri La diet, has a blog. I see it in my RSS reader. I was amazed to see a post that seemed to have been, er, penetrated, thusly:

Screenshot of spam appearing in RSS feed

So I went to the blog post itself. And lo! all those nasties were invisible.

Screenshot of post not infected by spam

So I checked the source, and they’re not there either....

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Start: 95.4 Last week: 89.3 This week: 88.7

Drifting, very slowly, down. I think.

Marion Nestle, Colin Tudge, Michael Pollan. Any one of them could have said this.

Let the scientists and their interpreters fight it out over single nutrients. Eat food and enjoy your dinner.

It was, in fac...

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Start: 95.4 Last week: 87.6 This week: 87.5

A day late, because I wanted to get yesterday's bread recipe done. But that's yesterday's weight up there.

Everyone knows that kids need advertisements to tell them what to nag for. Food is no exception. But food manufacturers, smarting under recent at...

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Start: 95.4 Last week: 87.6 This week: 87.6

Blast. Plateaued again.

The Economist alerted me to a paper in PLOS One by Kevin Hall and his colleagues at the Laboratory of Biological Modeling at the NIH in the US. The Progressive Increase of Food Waste in America and Its Environmental Impact,1...

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Start: 95.4 Last week: 87.3 This week: 87.6

Two helpings of everything for Thanksgiving cannot have been the only issue. Maybe it was the fresh almonds?

Does anyone need a choice of more than 50 breakfast cereals? Many more.

I’m trying to remember that fancy word from economics, where a sing...

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