Start: 95.4 Last week: 87.0 This week: 88.0
I wanted to write something else, but haven’t finished doing the homework.
The Economist's Green View has a fascinating piece that offers a fascinating by-catch from Copenhagen: reduced fishing. Globally, fishing is a disaster.
Landlubbers hand po...
Start: 95.4 Last week: ??.? This week: 88.7
Last week was a week away on duty travel, normally fatal, but I guess that 24 hours of projectile vomiting 1 was a blessing, in some ways.
I’m not quite sure when it became fashionable to point out that there was no global shortage of food, just uneq...
Start: 95.4 Last week: 87.8 This week: 90.1
A long weekend away, with a decent Indian, a wedding feast, fine home cooking with friends, and then the world’s saltiest (and tastiest) little lamb chops last night -- of course I’m heavier. But I’m sure tomorrow’s scale will tell a different story. Ala...
Start: 95.4 Last week: 89.5 This week: 88.9
That’s encouraging. Moving on ...
I know that a dignified silence is far and away the best response to the raving lunatic who insists on sitting next to you on an otherwise empty bus. I also know that it only takes good people to stay silent for the lu...
Start: 95.4 Last week: 89.5 This week: 89.5
Darn! I slipped below 89.0 on two days, but this morning was up at 89.5. No cheating.
Five Farms is a wonderful, engaging audio documentary series that tracks five American farm families through the year in five episodes. It comes from the Center for...